Chapter 4

Men and Movies

Jennifer's 1998 movies are a big success but Ojani isn't happy. He and David have the same problem. They don't like to see Jennifer with men in love stories. Ojani moves away. Later, he and Jennifer divorce. But they meet often and they are good friends.

In 1999, Jennifer has a new boyfriend. His name is Sean Coombs. He is a famous black singer.

On December 27, 1999, Sean and Jennifer come out of a dance bar and get in their car. The police stop them. They find a gun in the front of the car. The gun is not Sean's but the police take him away. Jennifer is in the back of the car. It is not her problem. The story is in the newspapers.

Early in 2000, Jennifer stops seeing Sean. In that year she makes the movie The Cell. Jennifer plays Catherine Deane, a doctor. Vincent D'Onofrio plays Carl, a bad man. He takes a young girl. But where is she?

In 2001, Jennifer stars in The Wedding Planner. This is a funny movie and a love story. Jennifer plays Maria Fiore. Maria falls in love with Steve Edison, a doctor. The Wedding Planner is the number one movie of 2001.

In the same year, Jennifer marries Chris Judd, a dancer, but they divorce in August, 2002. Jennifer stars in two thrillers, Angel Eyes and Enough. Then she is in Maid in Manhattan, a love story.

Jennifer starts going out with the actor Ben Affleck. In 2003, they star in the movie Gigli. A lot of newspapers don't like the movie but Gigli makes money.

"Are Ben and Jennifer going to marry?" people ask.

The answer is no. Jennifer's love story finishes in September. But in 2004, Ben and Jennifer act in 'Jersey Girl', the story of a father and his little girl. Jennifer is not the star of that movie.

After 'Jersey Girl' comes 'Shall We Dance?' with Richard Gere. It is a love story about a dance teacher and her student. Jennifer sings for it with her friend Marc Anthony.

Some people are unhappy about Jennifer's movies at this time. "Jennifer doesn't act well and the stories aren't interesting," they say. But 2004 is a good year for Jennifer. She falls in love with Marc.

Jennifer and Marc marry and they are very happy. After the movies Monster-in-Law, An Unfinished Life, and Bordertown, Jennifer and Marc star in El Cantante. Marc plays the famous Puerto Rican singer, Hector Lavoe. Lavoe married Puchi, and Jennifer plays her.

By Rod Smith

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