Immersion 3

"Hello, are you the new assistant to the president?"

"Yes, I have an appointment with him at 9:00. I came early because I don't like being late for my appointments."

"Neither do I. Well, good thing you came early. Would you care for some useful tips about what it’s like to work with him?"

"Sure, I could use some tips."

"Great. So let's do it right away. Here's a list of dos and donts:

1. You should never disagree with him. Even if he is wrong.
2. Never disturb him during a meeting, unless it's really necessary.
3. Always remember that in his mind he doesn't owe you anything, but you owe him everything.
4. Never ask him for advanced payments. He'll tell you that you should spend your money wisely and save it for a rainy day.
5. He never explains anything twice. So train your mind to get it right the first time.
6. Remember he doesn't care about you, or anybody else. The only thing that matters to him is this factory.
7. Always embrace his projects and plans like they were your own. You should be able to discuss and describe them in detail.
8. When he travels on business, offer to manage some of his personal affairs. You're expected to do that.
9. Do the impossible to meet all his demands. He thinks that's the least you can do.
10. If he asks you to run some errands, he will need to know your location every minute. You'll have to install a tracking app on your cell phone.

If you really want to succeed in this company, you should never forget any of these. Are we clear about that?"

"Yes, I just think it's a lot to digest at once."

" So do I."

"When will I meet the president?"

"Well, you just did. I'm the president, and our meeting is over. See you tomorrow at 7:30.”