Immersion 1 - My all-you-can-eat experience

Last week was my birthday and I wanted to celebrate at an all-you-can-eat buffet with my family and some friends.
You know, I hate to order from menus and have waiters bringing me food.  I prefer being able to serve myself.
We walked in and the hostess seated us at a nice table by the window. She asked if we wanted to order any drinks. I started with a can of grape juice. Then I got up and  went over to the soup and salad station. Everything looked healthy and 
delicious... I helped myself to cucumber and onion salad sprinkled with fresh lemon juice, and some turkey soup with mushrooms that smelled divine. 
None of my friends wanted salad or soup. They said they were not on a diet. Well, me neither, but I like eating a little something before the main meal.
After finishing my entry I grabbed a new plate and went over to the hot food station... hmm... baked potatoes with bacon, juicy fat steaks, fried vegetables with cheese... It was my big day and nothing could stop me from eating anything I wanted.  I loaded up my plate and sat down again. Everything tasted wonderful. Before I knew it, I was starting the second round.  After two more trips to the buffet I was ready for dessert. 
They had a great dessert table. As much as I love salty food, I also have a taste for sweets. And they had everything from fresh tropical fruit, like watermelon and mangos, to fancy pies and flans. They even had an ice cream buffet with a great 
variety of toppings, like peanuts, candies and all the extras. I got a little of everything. 
I was so stuffed, I couldn't eat another bite. But I was still able to finish a 
bottle of wine with my friends and family.
I really enjoyed the meal. Some people don't like buffets unless they're very high-end. Not me. Give me any high-end or low-end buffet and I'm perfectly happy.
I wonder if I'll ever look thin again...