English To English 1


1. to sound - When you talk about the way someone sounds, you are describing the impression you have of them when they speak.

2. to control - The people who control an organization or place have the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run.

3. to stand out - If something stands out, it is much better or much more important than other things of the same kind.

4. to swear - If someone swears, they use language that is considered to be rude or offensive, usually because they are angry.

5. to bully - If someone bullies you, they often do or say things to hurt or frighten you.

6. to count - If something or someone counts , they are important or valuable.

7. to aspire - If you aspire to something such as an important job, you have a strong desire to achieve it.

8. to breathe - When people or animals breathe, they take air into their lungs and let it out again.

9. to pretend - If you pretend that something is true, you act in a way that is intended to make people believe that it is true, although in fact it is not.

10. to blend in - If someone blends into a particular group or situation, they seem to belong there, because their appearance or behavior is similar to that of the other people involved.

11. grade - In the United States, a grade is a group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age. When you are six years old you go into the first grade and you leave school after the twelfth grade.

12. totally  - Completely, absolutely.

13. petrified - If you are petrified, you are extremely afraid, maybe so afraid that you can not think or move.

14. technically  - If something is technically the case, it is the case according to a strict interpretation of facts, laws, or rules, but may not be important or relevant in a particular situation.

15. most - You use most to refer to the majority of a group of things or people or the largest part of something.

16. superpower - A superpower is a special ability such as strength or speed a super hero has.

17. lame - If you describe something, for example an excuse, argument, or remark, as lame, you mean that it is poor or weak.

18. invisible - If you describe something as invisible, you mean that it cannot be seen, for example because it is transparent, hidden, or very small.

19. tough - A tough person is strong and determined, and can tolerate difficulty or suffering.

20. dude - A dude is a man. (My teacher is a really cool dude.)

21. helmet - A helmet is a hat made of a strong material which you wear to protect your head.

22. ordinary - Ordinary people or things are normal and not special or different in any way.

23. hearing aid - A hearing aid is a device which people with hearing difficulties wear in their ear to enable them to hear better.

24. incubator - A device for keeping birds' eggs at the correct temperature to allow young birds to develop until they break out of the shell.

25. ugly - If you say that someone or something is ugly, you mean that they are very unattractive and unpleasant to look at.

26. kindergarten  - A kindergarten is an informal kind of school for very young children, where they learn things by playing.

27. bunch of - A bunch of people/things is a group of people/things that share one or more characteristics or who are doing something together..

28. biology - Biology is the science which is concerned with the study of living things.

29. hood - A hood is a part of a coat which you can pull up to cover your head. It is in the shape of a triangular bag attached to the neck of the coat at the back.

30. pretty much - Pretty much or pretty well means 'almost'.

31. plastic surgery - Plastic surgery is the practice of performing operations to repair or replace skin which has been damaged, or to improve people's appearance.